After my comfortable flight with Cathay Pacific, I was welcomed at the airport by a smiling driver who took me to a road trip to Hong Kong Island. I was very sleepy, but more than curious to see everything. And I’ve discovered that Hong Kong has the most amazing clouds […]
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The Road to Hong Kong
I’ve always dreamed to visit Hong Kong and to let its lights and heights inspire me. Mind you, I am still a little bit scared of flights and I didn’t know that in July the monsoon is in the city. But I chose wisely. The best company to fly to […]
Read MoreToate zilele mele sunt duminici
Este 6 dimineața în Ubud, plouă încontinuu, iar singura lumină din sat este cea din biroul meu. Aici toți localnicii se culcă devreme, oricum pe la 7 seara e deja întuneric. Am adoptat acest obicei, la 8-9 sunt în pat, însă mă trezesc foarte devreme, din obiceiul omului agitat, […]
Read MoreThe Magical Gardens of Dubai
I’ve recently read a lot of stories about Dubai. People who lived there and had wonderful experiences in this magical city, people who consider that Dubai is a cold (pun intended) and materialistic place, and tourists mesmerized by its beauty. I’ve been in the city a couple of nights in […]
Read MoreDe ce (și cum) m-am mutat în Bali
Vă scriu din balconul casei mele din Ubud, unde mi-am organizat un mic birou cu vedere la junglă. Am o săptămână de când sunt aici, totul s-a întâmplat foarte repede, chiar mai repede decât mă așteptam. Da, sunt puțin copleșită, am momente când nu-mi găsesc locul, când vreau să văd […]
Read MoreWhat I’ve learned from The Ritz-Carlton team
If you have read me for some time now, you know I fall in love with the most creative, innovative brands around the world. But, after a while, it looks like you’ve seen… well, everything. Of course, that’s not true, but just a feeling of linearity. Yes, I love hotels […]
Read MoreWe had to lose ourselves to find ourselves
Dear friends, I am very happy and honored to present you a traveler, a dreamer, and a wonderful woman in love with this world. My friend, my student, and my inspiration: Ingrid. And she has some magical stories for you! “It was a hot humid tropical night, we were holding […]
Read MoreWelcome to Sri Lanka!
My lifetime dream of visiting Sri Lanka had finally come true. Last month, Vlad and I were treated like the kings of the island for an entire magical week. I have a lot of memories, photos, and stories, and more important I have more reasons to come back. Because one […]
Read More85 de zile pe drum. Malaysia. (2)
Am tot amânat să scriu articolul ăsta, pentru că nu prea știu ce să vă povestesc despre cele două luni petrecute în Malaysia. S-au întâmplat foarte multe chestii, însă schimbările au fost personale și subtile, greu de redat în cuvinte. Am să înșir totuși niște aberații random, sperând că veți înțelege ceva […]
Read MoreDivine timing
Sometimes, when you are least expecting, magic happens. You have the power to open the door to all possibilities and to step into the light. Because we are all magical creators, and our life is exactly how we dreamed it, how we make it. This is how we roll: […]
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