A multi-passionate entrepreneur, an explorer of the heart, and a relentless surfer of this magical world, dedicated to helping people live fiercely their lives. To be vulnerable, wholehearted, and ready to be seen.
I’ve named myself “a professional dreamer” because for the last 15 years I was seriously involved in creating the life of my dreams.
From writing articles for the best websites in the world, like CNN & HuffPost, to sharing the stories of my heart on this blog, from traveling as a full-time job to working with amazing students and clients – I’ve found out that it doesn’t matter what dream you have. It’s possible!
And through my work, I help people like YOU to dream big and back it up with meaningful action and genuine results.
People always ask me how did I get started on this adventure.
Well, all my life I’ve felt invisible. But at the same time, I’ve been insatiably curious about the world and what is possible.
Feeling invisible, with no voice and no possibilities – it’s not so uncommon. You’d be surprised! Maybe even you have felt sometimes that you have two driving forces inside of you: one that pushes you forward to accomplish your dreams, and the other one whispering that you can’t.
After several failed attempts at corporate jobs and a lot of anxiety trying to please other people, I’ve realized that feeling invisible was a strength, not a liability. Because, exactly like me, there are millions of people. And together, we have an unshakable, powerful voice.
I gave up the security of the 9 to 5, began writing on my blog, and doing a multitude of odd jobs to keep my boat floating.
Traveling the world opened for me an entire Universe of stories and possibilities. I was feeling stronger every day and my favorite game was to try. Not to be perfect, but just to ask for what I want. And the world had an answer for me, every freakin’ time: YES! Hell, YES!
I am different and I’m proud of that. I am weird, with unconventional opinions, and I don’t fit in any box. I love adult language, I am a bad teacher, speaking my truth, with no judgments or advice for others. You don’t have to (or need to) believe me. We are here to play.
You already have everything you NEED to create the life of your dreams. Those traditional rules you have been following all your life are made to be broken. And I would be very honored to teach you how to misbehave.

Most importantly, I believe that no matter what your dreams or obstacles are, you have the power to change your life. Like we did:
- ‘building’ the only Digital Nomads School in Romania – with more than 4500 students. Love of my life!
- writing for HuffPost, CNN, Forbes, Elite Daily, and self-publishing four books.
- working with people & brands from all over the world, which made me expand my own ideas about what it means to live a fully creative, meaningful, and abundant life.
- making interviews with wonderful Nataly Osmann #FollowMeTo, Jason Silva, Neil Patel, and much more.
- traveling around the world and living our dream life.

My partner, Vlad Semen, and I are here to serve!
Our company is built on love, passion, and commitment to really SEE YOU. But on the goofy side, we are here just to have fun.
Through our free content, our paid online programs, and anything else we might offer — we’re in this NOT to change the world but to really help YOU build the life that you want.
Whether you’re looking to start a business, to reinvent yourself, or just to take a gap year and travel around the world, we’re here to help you say: “DONE! Next dream, please!”
Yes, this is a business and we sell things. Yes, we’re proud and grateful to earn a living doing so. And we keep doing more creative things for free because of YOU.
I don’t have all the answers. I make mistakes, have crazy days, and get soaked in fear and self-doubt, just like everybody else.
My purpose is to have fun, to provoke you with courageous ideas, and to be honest and loyal to you.
If you’ve read this far, THANK YOU!
I hope this is just the beginning of our friendship. And, I’d love to learn more about you. The best way to share that and stay connected is to make sure you become one of our Magicbox insiders — just enter your name and email.
If you want more inspiration, love, and stories from me, our Magicbox list is where it’s at. Most of the time, you’ll only hear from me once a week, and you’ll be the first to find out how to turn your dreams into reality while living a deeply rich and meaningful life. Can’t wait for our adventure!
Thank you so much for being here. It is THE most important thing for me to be connected with people who want to speak their minds and shout out their voices.
Being invisible is the best thing that ever happened FOR you. It built your strength. Now you can dare greatly.
Let’s have some fun together.
Thank you. Huge love & hugs,